Red Sandal Wood Powder
Red sandal (raktachandana) is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of pittaja and rakthaja disorders. It is primarily used for skin care and beauty purpose. It is very effective is reducing blemishes and treating acne. It also helps in removal of sun tan and dullness of skin.Regualr usage of red sandal powder improves skin tone and complexion.
Ayurvedic properties of raktachandana-sheetala-coolant, rakthasodhaka-blood puifier, varnya -skin glow, chakshushya-improves vision. Suitable for all skin types and skin allergy
Inflammation, acne, blemishes, scar, black heads and white heads, sun burn and tan dullness of skin. Controls oiliness of skin, Burning sensation of skin, improves uneven skin tone,Excessive thirst, tiredness, fatigue
How to use
External application its heartwood powder is made into paste with and applied over face as face pack for 5-10 minute for glowing skin to heal acne.
It can be mixed in bath powder and lepana all over body(body pack
Add few drops of coconut oil to red sandalwood powder make a paste with it. This can be applied on dry area for moistening them. Wash off after 10-15 min.
add turmeric and honey with red sandal wood powder this face pack will help you in reduction acne and scar
A pack made with 1 tablespoon of red sandalwood, tablespoons mashed ripe papaya can help in exfoliation (removal of dead skin)
prepare a simple pack with tablespoons of red sandalwood and tablespoons of milk and apply it for removal of dark spots and pigmentation
A pack with red sandal wood powder cucumber juice or curd for removal of sun tan
Prepare a mask with 2 teaspoons of almond oil, 4tea spoons of coconut oil and 4 tea spoon of sandal wood powder use this for soft glowing skin.